Ozzie & Lisbeth

Ozzie & Lisbeth

Learn to work with animals and humans.  Lisbeth teaches all levels of Reiki for working with both animals and humans.  Contact Lisbeth for details on the next class.

What Is Reiki?
Reiki is an ancient holistic healing system. Rei means spirit and ki means energy, or universal life energy.  This healing energy is channeled through the practitioner through an attunement process.  The energy goes where it needs to go for the highest good and healing.  It is gentle, non-invasive, yet deeply powerful and life changing.  It promotes healing for all kinds of illnesses, surgeries and accidents, as well as emotional and spiritual issues.  Reiki can be used to complement any modalities of treatment, being western or eastern.  It enhances healing, speeds recovery and lessens side effects of illness or medications.  It is used in hospitals, hospices, clinics, animal sanctuaries, shelters and zoos, to complement and speed the healing process, no matter what the situation.  Sometimes miraculous healings occur with Reiki.  It helps one to grow and evolve, and it soothes and eases the dying process.

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"The Polynesians proclaim that the energy body (which some call the light body) holds the design for every cell, tissue, and organ of the physical body, and that it's this pattern that the body soul follows in making repairs. When the blueprint is in harmony, there are no problems.  But if there's disharmony that distorts the plan, the body soul can no longer restore the physical, so illness results. This is why spiritual healers and energy workers alike regard illness as a breakdown within the body's energy system."
      ~ Hank Wesselman, Ph.D. and Jill Kuykendall, RPT  -  Spirit Medicine